Saturday, November 12, 2011

Things Heard Around The House...

This will be a regular feature here at Treading ESTROGEN. It is similar to the feature I have on my Google+ profile called Crap My Kids Watch.
Here are just a few of the things heard about the house lately:

"Why is homework so stupid?"
Heard the day after Halloween on my way to the grocery store, "Can you get me some Sweetarts?"

Heard an hour before her birthday party, "Dad, you're not invited to my party. You're ruining my life!"
Heard due to potty training (plaintively), "I don't want to wear a diaper to bed!"
Heard almost hourly, "Dad, I have a great idea (insert random three year old request here, usually involving candy...)!
Heard daily, "Dad, I want chocolate milk in a cup!"

"da da da da da"
"dida dida"
"a da...a da"
"ba ba ba ba"
"ma ma ma ma ma ma"

Only twenty years to go!