Thursday, November 20, 2008


When will I be popular?

Well, CRAP. This was the last question I ever wanted to hear from Audrey.
First off, I was not part of the popular crowd. EVER! That was mostly by choice. I had a deep seated loathing of the kids who "fit in" or were "cool". Part of that was the non-conformist in me. Another part was that I had a brain, and didn't need a clique to help me think. So the last thing I wanted was a daughter who wants to be just like "them". Now, I mean no offense to those of you who were in the popular crowd. It just wasn't for me.
Secondly, WHEN THE HELL DID FIRST GRADERS START WORRYING ABOUT BEING POPULAR??????? Sweet Mother McCree! The next thing I know Audrey will want a damn car. Or she'll want a cell phone. Or a computer and a Facebook account. What happened to a kid being a kid?
HOORAY 21st CENTURY!! Where everyone has to be grown up by the time they're potty trained! YEAH!

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