Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby, yes...Name, NO!!!

Well, she's here, in all her smells-like-a-newborn glory! Baby O'Miller arrived at 8:46 am on the 17th (stats - 8lbs 4 oz, 21 inches, scads of hair for a Miller baby!), and Audrey's first on-set of wanting desperately to hold her started at approximately 11:00 am. This was immediately followed by Claire stating that she wanted to "hold her baby sistur"! So, Baby has survived her first few rounds of sibling love unscathed.

As for a name, who knows. Right now there are several written on the board in Jen's room. My in-laws have taken to playing name scrabble, with some interesting results. We get to break her out of newborn hospital prison tomorrow. Should be an interesting day!

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