Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Personalities, Part 2...

For those of you who have not read part 1, click here.

I truly lament not having that crystal ball now. Claire, the middle child in all of this, is most definitely the Alpha of our house. Its almost pathetic to watch Audrey lose all control of her emotions because (or cause-be, as Claire says it) Claire tortures her relentlessly. As an example, Claire like to drink bath-water. I don't know why, and I try to get her to stop, to no avail. So two nights ago, Audrey and Claire were taking their baths when Claire gulped a huge mouthful, then got another and dribbled it out onto Audrey's legs. Well, as you can imagine, this set Audrey off, made worse by Claire's delighted laughter. Audrey screams at Claire that its not funny, and that Claire is not funny. Claire's reply?...YES I AM!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I try not to laugh (or at least not laugh in front of Audrey) but its just so damn funny. My 9 year old is being bullied by my 2 year old. The saddest part is that Claire wants to be around Audrey all the time, for everything. *SIGH* A bully with a soft spot for her victim.

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