Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Too Much Dad...

So yesterday was my first day back to the office after Bridget's arrival. On my way out the door, I kissed Claire on the head and told her bye. Claire asked if I was going to the office or working from home. When I told her that I had to go into the office, she looked up and said, "YES!", complete with fist pump.   *SIGH*

Saturday, March 26, 2011

And I thought I couldn't juggle...

I am developing a new found appreciation for those who also have three or more kids! The juggling act between attitudes and approaches to each of my three girls is more work than I expected. With two, it was pretty easy to flip the switch from kid (Audrey) to toddler (Claire). But now, I have to install a third position on the switch for newborn (Bridget). I wish I was a better mental electrician!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So, you want smart kids do ya?...

Author's note:
This post contains references to human anatomy. If you are offended by such references when it comes to children, please exit now and return on my next installment.

I have officially heard it all, again.
As an FYI, Jen nurses our children. Today, as she was nursing Baby O'Miller, Claire wanted to get up on the bed and "help". She does this by placing her hand on Jen and saying, "look mom, I'm helping you with your boobs". Because Claire is as smart as she is, she knows what those are. She will in fact tell you all about hers.
Anyway, as Jen continued to accept Claire's "help", Claire asked if she could nurse her. Jen said "no, because your boobs don't work yet". Claire looked at Jen and said, "Mama, my boobs have fizzy!"

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby, yes...Name, NO!!!

Well, she's here, in all her smells-like-a-newborn glory! Baby O'Miller arrived at 8:46 am on the 17th (stats - 8lbs 4 oz, 21 inches, scads of hair for a Miller baby!), and Audrey's first on-set of wanting desperately to hold her started at approximately 11:00 am. This was immediately followed by Claire stating that she wanted to "hold her baby sistur"! So, Baby has survived her first few rounds of sibling love unscathed.

As for a name, who knows. Right now there are several written on the board in Jen's room. My in-laws have taken to playing name scrabble, with some interesting results. We get to break her out of newborn hospital prison tomorrow. Should be an interesting day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


In exactly 24 hours, Jen and I will be at the hopspital (as Claire calls it) getting ready for the delivery of the newest Miller. I can't help but think what will be different tomorrow from today. The baby (nope, no name yet!) will certainly have the worst of it! Claire will be pretty weirded out as well. Audrey is taking it all really well. At this point she just wants her book to be published and she'll be happy.

As for me, I'll be very happy to have my wife back. Yet again we have learned that Jen and pregnancy don't mix. Plus I get another baby girl to spoil, coddle to the point of her developing a near co-dependency on me, and love. And feed...And bathe...And change...oh sweet mother McCree, what have we done???

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Its all about perspective...

As you may know, we took a family trip to Las Vegas last August. We did typical stuff that you would expect with having two kids: swimming, M&M World, Coney Island at NY NY, etc. Perhaps the best time we had was at the Shark Reef Exhibit at Mandalay Bay. Claire absolutely loved every minute of our time there.

Well it goes without saying that Claire wants to go back to Vegas, and talks about it constantly. Tonight, as we were getting newborn clothes out and storing Claire's old outfits, Claire marches up and says (again) that she want to go to Vegas. Jen tells her (again) that we cant because the baby will be here on Thursday. Undaunted, Claire plaintively replied, "But what about ME???"

Friday, March 11, 2011

Due Date Update

Right now we're looking at next Thursday. I do believe an Irish name will be in order. Current favorites (mine anyway) now are:
Sile (pronounced Sheila)
I truly wonder which it will be!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The due date: Monday, the 15th - 17th, or the 30th...

For those of you not in the know, Jen is expecting our third child. Before you ask, its a girl. It seems as though I can't make anything else. Oh well.

When, you ask, is the newest arrival arriving? Well, your guess is as good as the OB/GYN's! At this point it feels like the stork is throwing darts at a calendar.

A name? Well, no. We don't name our children. Each time the Social Security rep came to pick up our paperwork for each of the first two, we had names written on the whiteboard. I asked them each time which name they liked. Clearly I have problems making decisions. I can tell you the names that are "in the running", in descending order:
Kennedy (a 4000 to 1 long shot at best!)
I'm partial to Josephine, but we'll see.