Monday, April 25, 2011

But What I Really Wanted...

So for Easter, Audrey gets a Tangled DVD and Claire gets Megamind (with Megagmind and The Button of Doom bonus) from ye olde Easter Bunny. On the way home from church Audrey says, "diddy, can I watch Megamind?", and Claire says "dada, I want to watch Tangled".
Maybe next year, the Easter Bunny will just bring cash!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Like, no way...

While getting Claire ready for bed tonight, I was struck by the "Valspeak" she was using. All throughout the process she was saying, "I was like talking to them and they were like, no way! And I said like yeah". Now, for those who are new to the program, Claire is 2. Granted her favorite show right now is Scooby-Doo (like, no way man!), but even this episode was beyond anything she's been exposed to. Had this dysfunctional jumble of gobbledygook come from Audrey, I would be more understanding. But this was my baby, talking like an 8th grader, or worse...a college student!!

I guess its time to like, monitor her tv, you know?

What A Woman Needs...Pt 2

For those who did not see part 1, click here
While at the first birthday for a cousin, Claire was playing with the Purse that the baby received. Inside the Purse was some lipstick (plastic) and some dollar bills that crinkle (it is for a one year old after all!). While Claire was playing with it, I asked if she wanted a cell phone to go with her stuff. She looked at me and said, "Nope! I have everything I need...lipstick and money!"

Oh, joy!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Yes, Rick, You Have a Daredevil...And Lots of Gray Hair to Prove It!

Without shocking everyone, Claire LOVES the park. The swing (higher Dad!), the slide (wheeeeeee), and the teeter-totter are all so much fun. Now, Audrey loved the park too, but not quite the same way. She would always take the steps to the slides. She wasn't then, and still isn't, one to take risks. Claire is another story.

Claire loves to climb the rope ladders, the rock walls, the chains; anything BUT the steps. I have been extremely nervous about this, but I do not help her. I only hang onto her jacket/sweater/shirt to ensure that she won't fall. Today at Wasatch Hollow park, she kept falling off the ladder and landing squarely on her butt. After cleaning her up, she toddled (undeterred) to the boulders at the perimeter of the playground and started climbing.

Now I know where all this damn gray hair came from!